Title: V94.2 Gas Turbine Screw M8X20K: Specifications and Usage
The V94.2 gas turbine is widely used in the power generation industry. One of its critical components is the SCREW M8X20K, which plays a vital role in the compressor generator assembly. In this article, we will discuss the technical specifications of the SCREW M8X20K and its usage in the V94.2 gas turbine.
Technical Specifications SCREW M8X20K:
The screw is made of high-quality material standard 1.1191 with a material grade of 8.8. It is heat-treated to achieve hard temper, ensuring durability and strength. The screw has a diameter of 8mm, a hardness of 29, and meets DIN 7991 standards.
Strength and Durability:
This equipment undergoes rigorous testing to ensure its strength and durability. Its yield test results in 844 N/mm2, and its tensile test results in 888 N/mm2, making it capable of withstanding high pressure and tension. This screw is ideal for use in the turbine, which requires robust and reliable components.
Usage in V94.2 Gas Turbine:
This component is a crucial component of the compressor generator assembly in the V94.2 turbine. It is used to secure and fasten parts of the assembly, ensuring proper alignment and functionality. The screw’s hard temper and strength make it ideal for use in a high-pressure environment like the V94.2 turbine.
Distribution SCREW M8X20K:
Benefits of Using SCREW M8X20K:
The SCREW M8X20K is a high-quality screw that offers several benefits. Its durability, strength, and ability to withstand high pressure make it ideal for use in the V94.2 turbine. Additionally, it meets DIN 7991 standards, ensuring its compatibility with other components.
This equipment is an essential component of the V94.2 gas turbine’s compressor generator assembly. Its technical specifications, strength, and durability make it an ideal choice for use in this high-pressure environment. Using this high-quality screw ensures the proper functioning of the V94.2 turbine, reducing the risk of downtime and ensuring smooth power generation.